Coffee Filter Flower

Drip and splash just like Jackson Pollock and make a dozen flowers that will last a lot longer than the real one. No two will ever be the same, either!

Gather Tools and Materials

  • Coffee Filter Flower
  • Coffee Filter Flower
  • Coffee Filter Flower
Flowers need a careful balance of water and sunlight. Learn about this balance in this book!

Let's Get Started!


Gather materials.

Collect a bowl of water, your water color paints and a few paint brushes and lay out your coffee filters flat on a work space.
Coffee Filter Flower

Drip and splash.

With your water colors drip and splash the paint onto your coffee filters in a neat design of your choice. Leave enough time for these to dry.
Coffee Filter Flower

Shape your flower.

Once your coffee filters are completely dry, pinch the middle of the filter and twist to make the bud of the flower.
Coffee Filter Flower

Make a stem.

Twist the pipe cleaner around the center to create a stem.
Coffee Filter Flower

Make leaves.

If you want leaves, then take another pipe cleaner and cut it in half.
Coffee Filter Flower

Finish leaves.

Bend the pieces to look like leaves and twist the ends around the stem.
Coffee Filter Flower