Paper Maiche Pinata

Flour, water and glue make paper maiche! Use this paste to create a pinata. Central FL students: Upload an image to enter the contest!

Gather Tools and Materials

  • Paper Maiche Pinata
    Watch the full video
  • Paper Maiche Pinata
  • Paper Maiche Pinata
Learn all about pinatas and then make one yourself.

Let's Get Started!


Mix ingredients.

Mix one part water with one part flour into a large mixing bowl.
Paper Maiche Pinata

Stir the mixture.

Stir the mixture until it is smooth. If you can’t get all of the lumps out, its okay.
Paper Maiche Pinata

Cut strips.

Cut strips of newspaper around an inch wide and as long as you need.
Paper Maiche Pinata

Blow up a balloon.

Blow up a balloon and tie the end in a knot.
Paper Maiche Pinata

Begin placing strips.

Dip the strips all the way into the mixture and gently run the strip between two fingers to get rid of the excess paste.
Paper Maiche Pinata

Let dry.

Let the paper maiche ball dry over night.
Paper Maiche Pinata

Pop the balloon.

Carefully, pop the balloon and pull it out from inside.
Paper Maiche Pinata

Decorate with paint.

Decorate your paper maiche ball with paints. Get creative!
Paper Maiche Pinata

Punch a hole and enjoy!

Punch a hole in the open end for hanging and fill with candy to use!
Paper Maiche Pinata