Space Shuttle


Turn a paper towel tube into your very own space shuttle. Add tissue paper fire for an extra cool touch!
Gather Tools and Materials
Let's Get Started!
1 Cover tube with paper.
Cover your paper towel tube with a piece of white construction paper and secure it with scotch tape. You may need to trim down your construction paper.
7 Make a cone.
To make a cone, over-lap two parts of the circle on either side of the crease you cut down.
10 Cut diagonally.
Cut diagonally from a folded corner to an open corner. You will have three triangles.
11 Make wings.
Lay your covered tube onto the fold of the triangle and tape it down. Two sides of the triangle will stick out to be wings! 
13 Make a top wing.
Trim down one of the smaller triangles you have to fit on top of the shuttle for another wing.
14 Attach other wing.
Fold a portion of the triangle to make a tab and tape the triangle onto the top of the shuttle. This is the opposite side to the triangle you just taped.