Tube Snake

Save those paper tubes and see how long you can make your snake. Add a little paint and slither around with this neat craft.

Gather Tools and Materials

  • Tube Snake
    Watch the full video
  • Tube Snake
  • Tube Snake
  • Tube Snake

Let's Get Started!


Collect and paint tubes.

Collect 4-6 tubes and paint them all a color of your choice. Let them dry completely.
Tube Snake

Add detail.

Add detail to each tube. You can add dots of strips with different colored paints!
Tube Snake

Cut triangles.

Cut two triangle-shaped pieces out of one end of one tube. This is the head and you just cut out a mouth.
Tube Snake

Punch holes.

Punch two holes on the other end of the head tube.
Tube Snake

Fold down tube.

Fold down one end of one of the tubes to made it flat and slightly pointed. This is the tail.
Tube Snake

Staple the fold.

Staple the folded paper tube to keep it in place.
Tube Snake

Punch holes.

Punch two holes on the other end of the tail tube.
Tube Snake

Punch holes.

Punch two holes on either end of the remaining tubes.
Tube Snake

Cut yarn.

Cut 6 pieces of yarn if you’re doing 4 tubes, 8 pieces if you’re doing 5 tubes and 10 pieces if your doing 6 tubes.
Tube Snake

Tie tubes together.

Connect all of the tubes together by tying the yarn through each hole to make a long chain.
Tube Snake

Paint the eyes.

Paint two eyes onto the head.
Tube Snake

Draw a tongue.

Draw a small tongue on a piece of red construction paper.
Tube Snake

Cut tongue.

Cut out the tongue.
Tube Snake

Glue tongue.

Glue the tongue inside of the snake’s mouth.
Tube Snake